Become A Member

Become A Member

Our 550+ members play a vital role in building our community and providing financial support to our programming. By becoming a member you gain access to our Open Shop program and the tools, knowledge, and friendly guidance to maintain and repair your bicycle. Additionally, becoming a member of B!KE is a meaningful (and affordable) step in supporting Peterborough’s bicycling community!

Members can:

  • Use the workshop during Open Shop hours to repair your own bicycles
  • Purchase used parts and bicycles
  • Store your bicycle at B!KE while actively working on it
  • Borrow tools from our Tool Library
  • Enjoy the knowledge that you have supported our work in the community

Membership Portal

We are pleased to partner with to offer a more efficient way to become a member of B!KE, or to re-new your existing membership. Visit our myTurn membership portal for full details. You can also check out the handy Tool Library pilot project while you’re there!

B!Ke Membership Policies and Guidelines

The use of the workshop space is for B!KE members only

In order to provide the best experience to our members, B!KEʼs shop space and tools are not available to the general public. Memberships must be purchased before any B!KE facilities are used. While members can work on projects for friends, they may not bring friends who are not members. This policy is important because space is limited and tools get worn and damaged. Tool damage and replacement is covered by membership fees.

Using B!KE facilities, parts and tools for profit is not allowed

This means no building bikes or buying parts to sell to others, or charging others for work you’re doing while at the shop.

Salvaged parts are sold to members only

In order to keep a useful collection of parts available for our members (that means you!), B!KE only sell salvaged / used parts to members.

B!KE members do their own work

B!KEʼs mechanics and volunteers are available to provide support, advice and explanatory instruction. The actual work is to be done by the member and not the mechanic. In conjunction with a mechanic, member s are responsible for assessing their ability level relative to their project, including the time required to complete it.

Volunteers advise within the limits of their individual abilities

Volunteers are of varying skill levels and defer to the Head Mechanic or simply decline guidance on any area in which they are not experienced. This means that B!KE may not have the tools, parts or experience to help you with your project. There are some great for-profit bike shops in town that will definitely be able to help you if we’re all at a loss!

Keep a functional and safe workshop

All members and volunteers are expected to return tools to their proper locations and clean up after themselves and others, as necessary.

All purchases are to be paid for when they are installed

B!KE does not run tabs. If you don’t have cash for an item, the part cannot be installed. In some cases, such as bicycle purchases, down-payments may be arranged; however, the item must remain on the premises until the full payment is made.

Bicycles may be stored for free at B!KE for a period of one week

Every subsequent week, bikes left unattended will be stored for a fee of $5 per week.All ongoing projects must be clearly labelled with a name, date and phone number. Bikes left unattended after three months will be considered property of B!KE and will probably vanish into the void.

Discriminatory / anti – social behaviour is not tolerated

B!KE maintains an inclusive, nonthreatening environment for everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, ability, etc. Individuals behaving in rude, discriminatory or disruptive ways will be asked to leave.